
A glossary of terms and abbreviations.

HCA:  "Home Court Advantage" -- The statistical advantage in points, winning percentage, etc., of the home team.
LRMC: "Logistic Regression Markov Chain"-- a ranking system developed by Prof. Sokol at Georgia Tech.  More information here.
MOV: "Margin of Victory" -- The score of the home team minus the score of the away team.
OWP: "Opponents' Winning Percentage" -- The average of the winning percentages of a team's opponents.  Part of the RPI calculation.
OOWP: "Opponents' Opponents' Winning Percentage" -- The average of the winning percentages of a team's opponents' opponents.  Part of the RPI calculation.
RMSE: "Root Mean Square Error" -- A measure of the differences between a predicted value and the actual value.  Lower is better.  More details here.
RPI: "Ratings Percentage Index" -- A system for ranking college basketball teams.  For a detailed explanation, see this page.